The On-Off Relationships Ft. Ross & Rachel

DISCLAIMER- THIS POST REFLECTS MY PERSONAL THOUGHTS AND IS IN REFFRENCE TO MY IDEA TOWARDS RELATION.SOME MAY RELATE OTHERS MAY NOT. ENJOY.AND SPREAD POSITIVITY The On-Off Relationship Ft. Ross & Rachel You guys love each other, but it is one of those toxic relationships where you want each other but end up breaking up everytime. You have given this relationship so many chances and gone through so much of pain that it has just become a regular thing for you guys. It keeps on going on and off. Either it is your fault or his and the other times it is just the whole situation that leads to dis-agreement. You just can't help but part ways but eventually again get back together. If this is how your situation looks like? Then you are the ROSS & RACHEL of F.R.I.E.N.D.S 5 SIGNS YOU ARE ROSS AND RACHEL OF F.R.I.E.N.D.S 1. You keep digging each other's past- Being in a relationship is being true to your partner and accepting their past and living in the...