DISCLAIMER- THIS POST REFLECTS MY PERSONAL THOUGHTS AND IS IN REFFRENCE TO MY IDEA TOWARDS RELATION.SOME MAY RELATE OTHERS MAY NOT. ENJOY.AND SPREAD POSITIVITY. TRUE LOVE,WAIT WHAT??? Let me start this blog by asking you.Have you experienced love in your life? If yes, then what is love/true love? Most of you might not have an answer, Right. That is because most of us have not fallen in love, Yes its true. Most of us fall apart before even falling in love with each other. Now lets go in detail Basically, the process involve 3 steps. We go through 3 main systems before entering into this whole stigma called 'love'. source pic- credit Express your love to your loved one's by gifting them this stylish bracelet, i am sure she will love it... First let me burst some your myths. We believe that love can happen on first sight, JI NAAH? The first sig...