
Showing posts from April, 2019

Why Do You Always Attract The Same Type Of Guys?

DISCLAIMER- THIS POST REFLECTS MY PERSONAL THOUGHTS AND IS IN REFFRENCE TO MY IDEA TOWARDS RELATION.SOME MAY RELATE OTHERS MAY NOT. ENJOY.AND SPREAD POSITIVITY Why Do You Always Attract The Same Type Of Guys?  You've just got out of a toxic relationship, moved on with life, living a regular life having no contact with your ex. You have met this new guy, things have started to workout between you guys. And you and he are in a relationship. You guys were all in love trying to get to know each other, but one fine day you get this deja-vu. You just pause for a moment and you are like, wait,wait,wait a minute! Isn't this what my ex used to do? You realise that you are dating that same person again but with a different face. His actions, his behaviour, his defence towards things, his ego , his way of re-acting everything is so similiar to that of my ex.        That's when you realise that you are attracted to the same pattern of behaviour. The law of a...

Why Does He Get Jealous If He Doesn't Love You?

DISCLAIMER- THIS POST REFLECTS MY PERSONAL THOUGHTS AND IS IN REFFRENCE TO MY IDEA TOWARDS RELATION.SOME MAY RELATE OTHERS MAY NOT. ENJOY.AND SPREAD POSITIVITY Why Does He Get Jealous If He Doesn't Love  You? We are together,but not forever. He wants me but not  completely.  He likes me but doesn't love me. Still he gets jealous whenever i talk to someone. Is this what your situation looks like?  Then girl, this blog is for you. You start thinking that he loves you because he is jealous. Because jealousy is a sign of love. Is it? Does being jealous means that person loves you? Maybe, Maybe not! Jealousy doesn't really mean it is love. Sometimes it does, but not everytime.  (Contains personified reference of human and a jacket, doesn't intend to hurt anybody or dehumanize in any form) Let me explain. You have a shimmery jacket which you use not that frequently. You wear it just when you feel like, but you won...

The Ugly Truth About Ghosting!!!

DISCLAIMER- THIS POST REFLECTS MY PERSONAL THOUGHTS AND IS IN REFFRENCE TO MY IDEA TOWARDS RELATION.SOME MAY RELATE OTHERS MAY NOT. ENJOY.AND SPREAD POSITIVITY The Ugly Truth About Ghosting Ghosting?What is it? How can you make up things,like i have never heard about it. Honey,ghosting does exist.And it happens approximately with everyone. And,And,And...If it hasn't happened with you, be ready.Cuz the devil is on his way!! So Ghosting basically is disappearing.  Remember this guy/girl you used to talk to,went out on dates maybe 2 or 3 times and as soon as you thought that this thing is possibly meant to be forever...You are all ready to take this to the other level and get things official, and suddenly this son of a *** disappears. Like he is nowhere. . Congratulations you've been GHOSTED!!! Ghosting is when a guy/girl whom you are seeing for that particular time frame suddenly disappears. They don't text you,don't call and not even ca...