How To UNLOVE Somebody?


How To UNLOVE Somebody?

You are in love with somebody, you thought that this is going to be forever. But one day this person comes to you and tell you that "Things are not working. I am sorry".

That sorry, i just can't explain how hurtful that sorry is!

This moment is the most difficult moment of your life, because you din't had a back up plan about what you will do once this person is gone. You thought that this thing is permanent but now he is gone. Leaving a heartbroken you with no clue what to do.

This is the point every friend of yours start suggesting you that you need to move on but they don't tell you how?

So if you want to know please keep reading.

So before starting let me clear you can't completely unlove somebody, but with due course of time you will eventually get over it.

Step 1:-

Start seeing that person  clearly.

When you are in love what happens is you cannot see the person in real. It's like for you that person is perfect and you just can't see what is wrong with that person. So in order to get over somebody you need to understand that this person has his own pro's and cons and that this person is not perfect. So for that to happen you need to write down the good things and the bad things of that person. In this way, you will be able to understand that it's not that difficult to unlove this person.

Step 2:-

Contribution of that person in your life

Check whether the person you love have ever contributed to the good things in your life. Has he ever encouraged you to do better? Is his presence giving you confidence or is he the reason you are not able to achieve things in your life? So if he hasn't contributed anything then good that he gone. Cuz girl, you need a guy who helps you achieve goals and not become a hurdle between you and your success.

Step 3:-

Block that person from all social media app

In order to get over somebody, you need to block that person not only from social media but also from daily interaction. Because if somebody keep popping on your feed which you scroll all day obviously you can't forget about them. You check their instagram, their last seen on whatsapp which you don't have to....So go,go! block him/her. And if you think that what he/she will think, they don't care. Don't let your ego come in between you and your inner peace. Cuzzz Inner Peace >>>>> Ego.

Step 4:-

Stop thinking about them.

This is the main reason you are not able to forget them. It's because you think about them 24/7. You keep on thinking what he might be doing, whether he is thinking about me,etc etc... He doesn't care, he just don't care. So even you need to stop caring and let that person go. 

Step 5:-

Be Productive.

You think about them because you are not productive, you are sitting ideal. Do something, learn something new, find your passion, just do something. In this way, you are working on yourself and being better other than that you are even letting that person go. 

The one thing you need to remind yourself everyday is that " Nobody is more important than myself " . And in this way you will know your self-worth and gradually find some one who actually know's how precious you are! 

These are the initial steps of unloving somebody. In order to unlove somebody you need to follow these steps.

Loving someone is easy, but to unlove is difficult.It will not happen in a day but give it some time and you will easily get over it. Remember TIME HEALS.

We fall in love easily but it takes years to get out of that love. But when you do, it is the most satisfying feeling of your life.

I hope you guys learned something and i have somehow helped you.
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And if you wish to help others emotionally don't forget to share this with your loved one's.

Watch this space for more...

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 Twitter- @Bewitchylous
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