DISCLAIMER- THIS POST REFLECTS MY PERSONAL THOUGHTS AND IS IN REFFRENCE TO MY IDEA TOWARDS RELATION.SOME MAY RELATE OTHERS MAY NOT. ENJOY.AND SPREAD POSITIVITY. WHY IS POLYAMOROUS RELATIONSHIP A TABOO??? source- click here. Polyamory or Polyamorous relationship- Have you heard this word, 'mon amour' ?? I assume you have.. Anyways this word means 'my love'. And amour is 'love'. So the term 'polyamorous actually means 'Many Loves'. Sounds strange right. It's basically a practice of having a relationship or to be more precise an intimate relationship with more than one partner with the consent of everyone involved. After reading this we Indians will blame the western people for such culture.. But hello people it's time for a wake up call!! The origin of 'Polyamoro...