Why getting back to an ex is a bad idea?


Why getting back to an EX is a bad idea

Past,Present or Future. What to choose? Doesn't this question pops up in everyone's mind frequently? Living in the present,thinking about the future or remembering our past? Don't we keep dwelling everyday? Specially when it is about our past. We recall each and every memory of our's. Specially the one which is left half way. The incomplete one's. Something identical to our relationships as well. The thought of someone we used to love often crosses our mind. The regular 'What if's' are a reason most of us have this some sort of regrets revolving our thoughts. What if we were together? What if i had said sorry? What if things might had turned out differently? What if we kept our ego's aside? What if this? What if that? What if,What if,What if? The answer to these What If's is 'FUCK IT' in bold. 

Let's today talk about our exes and why we at some point want to be with them again. 

Everyone of us have sometime or the other got this thought of getting back with our ex. It's because of the function called 'Reflex on Pally' which means getting back to something familiar. This often happens after a break-up or some traumatic situation. We need some one to rely on and what good then something amicable. This meme I recently saw on Instagram saying 'Starting over is bad,I'm so done telling people my favourite colour'. This strikes me that people don't want to or you can say they are lazy enough to start over so the more flexible option is getting back with an EX. "Ohh!!! I just had a breakup. But i see Sam is still single. Let's just why not get back together. BETTER THE BAD I KNOW THAN A GOOD I DON'T."

You should probably not get back to an ex, atleast this is what i believe in. No,No....See na....If that relationship was meant to,it would have worked. If it didn't worked then,who guarantees it would work now. There is this saying which means never get back to a book whose ending you know. If those problems prevailed then it would emerge even now. There is no point in repeating the same pattern again and again. 

The most stupidest thing you can do is get back to an ex. I had been in a 5 year relationship. This guy was trust me perfect with many faults but still loved me the most. Even now he loves me but it didn't worked. The relationship we had was bizzare. It was horrible. I still have this sense of attachment towards him but i made sure i keep it as low as possible. Now the feeling are neutral from my side so that guy is not bothering me in my mind when i am with my now boyfriend. But if you keep thinking about your ex, keep prompting their name, recalling incidents about you two, comparing situations or even people for that matter. You my child are just ripping your current relationship because of something which doesn't even matter now. And if it matter's. I suggest you to breakup with your current gf/bf (you giving them false hopes and even breaking their trust..which eventually breaks her heart because you still love your ex and using her to get over it and distracting yourself), go under therapy and get it out. But never get back to your ex. And believe me it's the best advice anyone can give you.

I hope you guys learned something and i have somehow helped you.

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